The Beginning

So now I have a blog. My musings will mainly revolve around food and all things related. I’ll aim to one day make it bilingual but let’s be realistic for the time being shall we.

Themes that will definitely crop up:

Vegetarian food. I’m often a vegetarian of necessity as I call it.

Wheat-free and gluten-free. It just so happens.

Vegan. It just so happens. Not really sure why.

All things cheap. Even though I try to stretch my tiny budget as far as it goes I’ll never compromise on good food and amazing flavours.

Tales of exploration and food memories of my childhood. While I love to discover new things I will inevitably bounce back every so often to my grandmother’s staples, perhaps with a new twist.

I take all the photos myself. This is a pretty steep learning curve in itself and while I always loved it I now finally feel like I’m coming to grips with my new camera. And with writing a blog. We’ll see.

About Expat Gourmet

Musings from the kitchen.
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1 Response to The Beginning

  1. jan says:

    very nice blog, good luck :)

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